ICYMI: Stefanik Calls Out DEI Offices' Failure to Protect Jewish Students on College Campuses


Date: March 7, 2024
Location: Washington, DC

“Dr. Goldfarb, in our on-going investigation of higher ed institutions and the increase of antisemitism that is on display at Harvard, Penn, MIT–the three schools we had here–but beyond that throughout colleges and universities, one theme that is very concerning to me is the offices of DEI on these campuses are inherently antisemitic and I’ll give you an example from my alma mater Harvard. Even prior to the October 7th Hamas attacks against Israel and the failure of Harvard’s leadership to protect Jewish students on campus, hundreds of Jewish students reached out to Harvard’s office of DEI raising concerns about the rise of antisemitism, and they did not even receive a single response from the office of DEI. So can you comment? I know that you’ve watched, as a former dean of Penn’s med school you watch what’s happening on that campus. But can you talk to me about how all these offices of DEI fuel this increase in antisemitism.


And Dr. Greene, would you like to answer the question as well?”
